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Facebook users strike back at Chick-fil-A defenders

Facebook gay rights advocates wonder: Shouldn’t those Chick-fil-A defenders be involved in something a little more, you know, Christian?


Kevin Collier


Every day, the Daily Dot finds something that people on Facebook are sharing and, in turn, shares it with you—with a little explanation. Here’s today’s share.

After more than half a million Facebook users pledged to eat at Chick-fil-A Wednesday—in support of its company’s president, who said he was “guilty as charged” in his support for a “traditional” idea of family—other users are striking back.

Many Americans were outraged by the statement, seeing it as code against gay marriage, especially since the restaurant has given proceeds to anti-gay organizations.

In response to the crowds who followed through, more than 36,000 Facebook users are now sharing a message: “You’d never see that many Christians lined up to help at a food bank or homeless shelter. And that’s something Jesus actually said to do.”

The Bible does contain a few condemnations of homosexuality, but Jesus never mentioned gay people one way or the other. He did, however, say “Do not judge others,” “I have not come to call respectable people, but outcasts,” and “If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled,’ without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?”

Of course, a few Facebook users called foul.

“sorry but our church donates over 1,000 pounds of food every month to the food banks to help people in need,” wrote Lisa Honea.

Others thought that if the caption were taken literally, and that many people tried to help at once, it wouldn’t be too helpful.

“Logistically speaking, it doesn’t make sense to have this many people helping at a food bank or homeless shelter,” wrote Sean Carlisle.

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