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Teen gets her boyfriend arrested at school as part of prom-posal

Kids these days.


Marisa Kabas


Just as it’s no longer enough to simply ask someone to marry you with a viral video and media circus, asking someone to prom also requires a creative—and perhaps twisted—approach. One California teenager named Stephanie threw down the prom-posal gauntlet when she got her boyfriend arrested as part of the elaborate plot.

Some are calling Stephanie racist for getting her unarmed black boyfriend arrested, but ignorant teenagers the world over are throwing their support behind her misguided plan, and she’s sticking it to the haters by retweeting many of her fans.

If this has left you inspired to come up with a crafty prom-posal of your own, there’s an entire Pinterest board dedicated to the practice. You, too, can DIY an awful day.

Photo via jason clapp/Flickr (CC 2.0)

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