elephant kills hunter

Photo via Katie Hunt/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Big game hunter crushed by elephant he was hunting

Karma lives in the body of an elephant, apparently.


Lauren L'Amie


A South African big game hunter was crushed to death Friday after an elephant shot by his hunting crew fell on him.

Theunis Botha, a well-known South African hunter and father of five, was on a walk with a group of hunters on a hunting reserve in Zimbabwe when they came across a pack of breeding elephants, according to News24.

When several elephant cows stormed the hunters, Botha shot at them. A fourth elephant then stormed them from the side and lifted Botha with her trunk. Another hunter fatally shot the elephant, and as the cow collapsed, she fell on Botha.

Botha frequently led hunting groups across various African big game reserves, many of which included wealthy Americans, according to News 24. Botha “perfected Leopard and Lion hunting safaris with hounds,” and pioneered “European Style Driven Monteria hunts” in South Africa, according to his hunting company’s website.

Botha’s personal YouTube channel doesn’t hide much of his work. Edited videos show Botha and his hunting crews shooting elephants, leopards, and lions, backed by dramatic music and heartbeat sound effects.

The absurd irony of Botha’s death was not lost on Twitter, with many commenting on how Botha’s death was justified considering his line of work.

Others weren’t as quick to talk about karma so soon after someone’s death.

Botha’s death comes just after his friend and fellow big game hunter,  Scott Van Zyl, was killed by a crocodile on the banks of the Limpopo River in Zimbabwe, BBC reports. Van Zyl’s remains were found in the carcass of a crocodile shot by authorities in mid-April.

H/T Washington Post

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