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Woman who lost 150 pounds gives new meaning to before-and-after photos

These shots provide a fun take on defeating extreme weight problems.


Jam Kotenko


Instagram is filled with fitness hashtags that can either inspire you to hit the treadmill and eat more veggies or depress you back into your Doritos-stained sweats. 

In an effort to celebrate healthy weight loss, a Canadian photographer decided to add a creative and fun spin to the usual before-and-after photos regularly inundating social media.

Blake Morrow is the genius behind The Beth Project, a delightful photo series featuring his friend Beth and her pursuit to lose 150 pounds. It took two years to accomplish.

Morrow digitally combined unaltered before-and-after photos he took of Beth to draw attention to the drastic changes her body went through over the course of two years, after Beth got a life-changing gastric bypass surgery. He did it in a unique and amusing way, and the results are stunning.

The Beth Project

The Beth Project

The Beth Project

The Beth Project

The Beth Project

Beth’s amazing transformation story made its rounds on various online platforms, including Reddit, where she received a lot of support. Beth herself got on the site to issue clarifications regarding her journey to a healthier weight:

Hey there Reddit, I’m Beth. To say I’m blown away by the response would be an understatement. The encouragement and support have been overwhelming. I would like to clarify one myth that seems to be coming up … the surgery was a tool to start the change, it is by no means a cure. Anyone starting down that road that does not make a full life change will not be successful. I didn’t lose weight by surgery alone. Besides the obvious change in diet, I cycle commute (about 14 km a day – when my bike isn’t busted) and I started playing Roller Derby. I admit, I could probably lose another 40 lbs but, I’ll be honest, I actually like having a little padding when I’m skating on the track. All the best ~ Beth

To see the collection in its entirety, you can find The Beth Project on Morrow’s website.

H/T Laughing Squid | Photos by Blake Morrow

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