Australian senator Larissa Waters breastfeeding her baby Alia

Screengrab via News From World

Australian senator makes history again by breastfeeding during Parliament motion

The babe apparently passed ‘her own motion,’ too.


Samantha Grasso


Australian Senator Larissa Waters and her daughter Alia are becoming quite the duo in the Australian Parliament.

Last month, the pair made headlines when Waters became the first to breastfeed in the country’s Senate chamber. Then Thursday, Waters and Alia turned it up a notch by becoming the first to put forward a motion in Parliament while breastfeeding.

The historic feeding took place while Waters put forth a motion on black lung disease.

Waters addressed the motion on Twitter, adding that her “partner in crime moved her own motion just before.” Perhaps Alia was feeling some sort of way about black lung disease, too?

Waters’ motion wasn’t without critics, though—aka Twitter trolls who feel Alia should be kept out of the Parliament altogether. However, she’s taken the harsh remarks in stride, particularly one text that called her a “dumb Bitch with the big tits with an ego that was 5 feet infront of her brains,” whatever that’s supposed to mean in relation to her child.

Regards, indeed, Sen. Waters.

H/T Distractify

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