Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Dimitri Rodriguez/Flickr (CC-BY)

Conservatives have feelings about old photos from AOC’s border visit resurfacing

The photos have people split down the typical lines.


Andrew Wyrich


A batch of photos showing now-Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) at a child-housing complex for undocumented immigrants in Texas last year is sparking some criticism online.

The photos, which were made public by a photographer earlier this week, show Ocasio-Cortez just days before she would go on to win in a New York primary in 2018.

They show the New York lawmaker, clearly emotional, standing next to a chain-link fence and crying.

Ocasio-Cortez responded to the photographer on Twitter and said she would “never forget” going there.

As the Houston Chronicle pointed out in 2018, she was part of a group of protesters at the facility. She tweeted about the protest—which was also attended by activists and celebrities—on the same day. She also tweeted similar photos a few days later.

Many people found the photos to be moving.

A large contingent of conservative also criticized them for looking “staged” or for being part of a “performance.” However, it wasn’t Ocasio-Cortez who shared the photos, and it was she who went to a detention center a year ago, highlighting a cause she has continued to rail against since taking office.

A spokesperson for Ocasio-Cortez told the Hill that comments suggesting the photos were staged are “in no way related to reality or truth.”


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