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USA Today and Yo team up to deliver election results

The notification app gets in on the voter action. 


Elizabeth Robinson


With Election Day upon us, there are plenty of ways to keep up with the results, but USA Today is streamlining the process with one-worded updates. And that word is Yo.

The popular news outlet will be using the simplistic messaging app to alert subscribers of election results throughout the day. In order to receive updates, simply subscribe to YODEMS and YOGOP under the index tab within the app. Subscribers will receive a Yo when Democrats win a Senate race or when the GOP wins a Senate race.

“This Yo service enables politics enthusiasts to stay in the loop without having to constantly refresh their news streams for the results,” Yo said in a blog post.

Last week, USA Today also started a “five things to know” subscription with Yo that will send users a roundup of the biggest stories from that day. Yo itself has been active during this election: The app partnered with Rock the Vote and advertised itself as a dashboard platform for campaign managers.

Obviously if you’re looking from specific information as today’s results roll in, you’ll have to dig a little deeper. But for on-the-go updates, one word is really all you need.

Photo via NicoleKlauss/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

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