Donald Trump Jr

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Trump Jr. accuses Jake Tapper of making ‘flagrantly homophobic’ Roger Stone comment

Trump Jr. called out Tapper, but the clip is lacking context.


Andrew Wyrich


Donald Trump Jr., the son of President Donald Trump, accused CNN anchor Jake Tapper of homophobia, for comments Tapper made during a panel discussion about the indictment of Roger Stone.

The president’s son made the accusation on Sunday night, retweeting a clip from a panel discussion about Stone’s indictment on Friday.

“Let’s play the ‘Imagine the fury if a conservative said something this flagrantly homophobic’ Truly disgusting… but of course no consequences,” he wrote on Twitter.

During the discussion, one panelist said: “The truth is no one is going to cry if Roger Stone goes to jail, or when he goes to jail.”

Tapper replied: “He might like it.”

However, as Mediaite reports there may be some missing context.

The panel was discussing Stone’s enjoyment of attention—including showing a clip of him saying “the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about” in the wake of his court appearance following the indictment.

One commentator suggested that Stone was hoping his case could be won in the “court of public opinion” among the president’s core supporters and be pardoned.

Tapper’s joke could have suggested that Stone may “like” jail because of the attention it would give him. However, many other people have interpreted the joke the same way the president’s son did.

Trump Jr.’s accusation about Tapper comes on the heels of a New York Post columnist who deleted a tweet after making a joke about Stone enjoying prison because of his “proclivities.”

You can read Mediaite’s report here.


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