Eric Schneiderman with 'No one is above the law' tweet

Eric Schneiderman/Flickr @Schneiderman/Twitter (Public Domain) Remix by Jason Reed

New York AG resignation prompts outpouring of glee from conservatives

They loved the hypocrisy.


David Covucci


Late last night, just hours after reports of his abusive behavior broke, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman tendered his resignation.

The New Yorker detailed accounts of four separate women who all described violent behavior by Schneiderman, including one who said he threatened to kill her if she left him.

The news was a shock to many, as Schneiderman had been a prominent progressive advocate and vocal supporter of the #MeToo movement, including pursuing charges against Harvey Weinstein after reports of his abuse broke.

That hypocrisy caused an eruption of glee from conservatives. Not because an abusive man was exposed, but because he was a champion of progressive causes.

It was something even the president’s son got in on.

President Donald Trump, in his time as a real estate developer in Manhattan, frequently attacked Schneiderman on Twitter, at one point calling him worse than Anthony Weiner.

That Schneiderman was a staunch supporter of progressives in the Resistance-era brought up what conservatives think is a fundamental paradox of the recent outing of sexual predators and violent men, as many have been supporters of and heroes to the left.

Getting especially dragged was an old Samantha Bee segment on Schneiderman.

Schneiderman’s last day as attorney general is today.

The Daily Dot