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A Rand Paul campaign staffer did something gross to a camera lens

Warning: This is gross and dumb.


Kevin Collier


The head of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)’s campaign in New Hampshire has licked a camera lens, and it’s very gross.

The horrible sight is depicted in a video uploaded to YouTube Monday, labeled “Rand Paul Londonderry Town Hall 05-11-2015,” the location and date of a town hall meeting Paul is scheduled to give Monday evening. The uploader is American Bridge to the 21st Century, a Democrat-leaning, multimillion dollar political action committee.

Paul’s campaign refused to identify the man to the Daily Dot, instead simply confirming that Paul was indeed campaigning in New Hampshire Monday and referring to it as “a great day of events.”

But the PAC identified him to the Daily Dot as David Chesley, Paul’s campaign director in New Hampshire.

Again, this video is of the man licking a camera lens, which is gross.

Photo via macronix/Flickr

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