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Conservatives rage at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘week of self-care’

Ocasio-Cortez, the Democrat conservatives love to hate, is taking time out for self-care.


David Gilmour


Democratic Representative-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told her Instagram followers how she plans to take a few days off over the holidays for “self-care” and, right on cue, conservatives piled in to criticize her.

The congressional representative from New York’s 14th district told followers in an Instagram story posted Monday how the busy midterm campaign had impacted her lifestyle habits and that she planned to take back control ahead of starting her first term on Jan. 3.

“I am starting a week of self-care where I am taking the week off and taking care of me. I don’t know how to do that though, so I would appreciate any and all self-care tips,” she wrote.

While many online were quick to praise her openness and offer their own self-care practices, conservative media pounced on the opportunity to try and discredit her—somewhat of a pastime among those opposed to the 29-year-old’s left-wing politics.

Fox News blasted Ocasio-Cortez, painting her up as lazy by mocking how she “hasn’t yet started her new job, but she’s already taking a break.” Glenn Beck’s The Blaze took the same line, that the lawmaker has “not officially embarked on her new career” but was already on “self-care sabbatical.”

Meanwhile, Breitbart called the vacation “several days of ablutions” and even British conservative tabloid the Daily Mail carried the story.

On Twitter, the vitriol was a little more caustic.

Even the healthiest of decisions are hyperpartisan ammunition these days.

The Daily Dot