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Obama, Boehner staffers duke it out on Twitter

Jay Carney and Brendan Buck, representing President Obama and John Boehner respectively, took the gloves off on Twitter. 


Justin Franz


On Sept. 13, 1859, California Sen. David Broderick was shot and killed in a duel. The reason for the gun fight? Because he called someone a “miserable wretch.”

Two important take aways come from this historic event. For one, thank goodness our leaders don’t solve their problems like this anymore. And two, if they did, Twitter would be the leading cause of death in Washington D.C.

On Thursday, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney and Speaker of the House John Boehner’s press secretary Brendan Buck had an another heated political debate that unfolded on Twitter. This time the topic was about energy independence and the reasons why President Barack Obama blocked the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to Texas.

The end result was summed up by Buck: “One thing is clear – according to my twitter feed, @PressSec and I are both complete liars.”

Here’s a rundown of what went down.

Photo by The White House

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