Mike Bloomberg Trump Billboards Steak Golf Wall

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Here are some cringey billboards Bloomberg ran in Arizona

There are at least three of them.


Andrew Wyrich


Billionaire and 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg has used some unconventional advertising strategies as he’s gone on a spending blitz ahead of Super Tuesday.

First, there were the odd memes on Instagram influencer pages. Then, a Tim Duncan endorsement. His latest, however, is a bit more conventional: billboards.

Except the billboards are light on policy and very heavy on cringey attempts at jokes.

“Trump had a rally in Phoenix this week. We made sure there was a nice gift waiting for him!” his campaign tweeted on Friday afternoon.


The campaign tweeted out pictures of three billboards, touching on Trump’s preferences on eating steak, golf, and Trump’s desire to build a border wall.

The billboards say:

  • “Donald Trump Eats Burnt Steak. Mike Bloomberg Likes His Medium Rare.”
  • “Donald Trump’s Wall Fell Over.”
  • “Donald Trump Cheats At Golf. Mike Bloomberg Doesn’t.”

According to NBC News, those weren’t the only three billboards. Some of the others included slogans like: “Donald Trump Lost The Popular Vote. Mike Bloomberg Won The Popular Vote In 3 Consecutive Elections;” “Donald Trump Went Broke Running A Casino;” and “Donald Trump Has Declared Bankruptcy 6 Times.”

Predictably, a lot of people online weren’t huge fans.


Clearly these billboards are going to change a lot of minds.


The Daily Dot