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Magnet company shows off their strongest brand by crushing an iPhone

Do not try this at home.


Alex La Ferla


Watching people smash or otherwise destroy iPhones can brighten anyone’s day. That’s why we were thrilled to find a video of two unidentified “trained professionals” wrecking an iPhone, among other sundry items, with superpowered neodymium magnets.

According to First4Magnets, which produced the video and (surprise, surprise) sell magnets, neodymium magnets are the most powerful of all permanent magnets. They are used in situations that call for the strongest possible force from material with the smallest possible volume.

These magnets are so strong that in the first demonstration, where they target an apple, one of the magnets actually breaks the other, causing sparks to fly.

That’s right, these magnets are so powerful they can hurt other magnets.

The video ends with the disclaimer, “The magnets in this video are very strong and were handled by trained professionals in a controlled environment. DO NOT try this at home. Very strong magnets can cause serious serious injury if not handled correctly.”

Of course, the company that made this video is trying to sell you these very same magnets.

Nevertheless, we strongly advise that you heed the warning, refrain from trying this yourself, and stick to vicariously watching others play with super-magnets. Better safe than sorry, especially when “sorry” could mean “getting your finger squished between two magnets.”

Screengrab via first4magnets/YouTube

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