Jeff Sessions and Mr Magoo

PBS NewsHour/YouTube Retro Cartoons/YouTube

Trump incorrectly refers to Jeff Sessions as Mr. Magoo

Everyone knows he’s the Keebler Elf. C’mon.


David Covucci


President Donald Trump, who has has a long history of publicly insulting Attorney General Jeff Sessions, apparently also makes fun of the head of his Justice Department in private, too.

According to a new Washington Post report, Trump calls him “Mr. Magoo.”

Behind the scenes, Trump has derisively referred to Sessions as “Mr. Magoo,” a cartoon character who is elderly, myopic and bumbling, according to people with whom he has spoken.

The nickname is a snippet in a longer piece about how Special Counsel Robert Mueller is probing Trump’s attempts to get Sessions to resign last summer, but that’s not important. What is is this example of how out-of-touch the 71-year-old president is.

Not only is Mr. Magoo a cartoon character invented in the 1940s and eons removed from national relevance, the accepted and preferred nickname for Sessions is the Keebler Elf.

It’s just another example of Trump bucking established norms and enraging the left.

The Post reports the attempts to fire Sessions could be another way in which the president is charged with obstruction of justice in the special counsel’s investigation into possible collusion with the Russian government.

The Daily Dot