James O'Keefe(L), The White House(r)

Gage Skidmore/Wikipedia Luca Perra/Shutterstock (Licensed)

After claiming newest release could get him killed, James O’Keefe drops video of White House official saying Biden is ‘slowing down’

Dun dun dun.


Tricia Crimmins


James O’Keefe III, the founder and former CEO of Project Veritas, has been teasing a story that he claimed could wind up getting him killed.

In a dramatic post on X last night, O’Keefe said that the story has led him to fear for his life.

“At 39, I’ve lived a good life. Whether it’s complete or not is not up to me,” he said.

The shocking news that he revealed? Video footage of him wearing glasses, dining with a White House official, who says President Joe Biden is “slowing down.”

Posted on X today, a video shows O’Keefe speaking with Charlie Kraiger, a cybersecurity analyst at the White House, according to an archived LinkedIn page. The two are at a restaurant talking about Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

In response to questions from O’Keefe, Kraiger says that Biden will be the Democratic nominee in the 2024 election and that Harris will be his running mate again. Biden currently has two challengers for the Democratic nomination: author Marianne Williamson, who ran in 2020, and Rep. Dean Phillips (Minn-D).

“There was a debate about removing her from the ticket,” Kraiger says of Harris. “But sadly they didn’t.

Kraiger also says that Harris “can’t keep Black staff” and that Biden is “slowing down.”

According to Politico, more than 20 Black White House staff members quit in 2022.

Kraiger said that the White House considered but couldn’t remove Harris from the ticket due to potentially bad optics.

When it’s time for O’Keefe to reveal his identity, he looks toward the camera, takes off his glasses, and asks Kraiger that if he works in cybersecurity for the Biden administration, why is he meeting with James O’Keefe?

O’Keefe has been teasing footage of his meeting with Kraiger for days on X. On Jan. 28, he polled his followers regarding whether “someone who works in the current White House” would recognize O’Keefe in disguise while they’re “on a date.”

Yesterday, O’Keefe shared a lengthy post in advance of the video. In it, he says he is not scared to release the video because he has his faith, that he’s not suicidal—but he’s also not afraid to die—and that he’s lived a “good life.”

“Let’s do this. Let’s get 2024 started. Let’s inspire others to be brave,” O’Keefe tweeted. “Let’s raise the stakes. Let’s expose them all!”

Followers of O’Keefe were let down, however.

“This is great but I’m not sure it’s entirely at the scope of the hype surrounding this news drop,” replied one.

O’Keefe released the video under his new media company, O’Keefe Media Group, which he started after he was booted from Project Veritas for financial malfeasance.

Seemingly in response to the video, Kraiger made his Instagram and X accounts private, then disabled both.

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