Ivanka Trump next to a tweet

Gage Skidmore/Flickr Ivanka Trump/Flickr Mikael Thalen

Ivanka accidentally undermines Trump election argument with ‘hypocritical’ tweet

Conservatives have argued all week that the media doesn’t determine the election’s outcome.


Mikael Thalen


Ivanka Trump, the daughter of President Donald Trump, celebrated on Twitter Wednesday after the Associated Press announced that her father had won the state of Alaska.

“BREAKING: President Trump and Senate Republicans win Alaska, overwhelmingly and by a massive 20 point spread!” Ivanka tweeted. “Put AK in the books for @realDonaldTrump! Congratulations Senator @DanSullivan_AK! Thank you Alaska!”

But the tweet was quickly mocked given that conservatives have spent the last week arguing that the media doesn’t determine the outcome of the 2020 election.

The talking point emerged after multiple battleground states were called for President-elect Joe Biden in the days following the election. Supporters of the president pushed back, spreading false claims of widespread voter fraud while criticizing the media.

Although it is obviously true that the media doesn’t decide who is president, the media does base it’s projections on who will win off of the government’s own vote tallies.

Twitter users couldn’t help but notice the irony that a member of the Trump family suddenly decided to accept the media’s declaration when the race was in favor of the president.

“Ivanka celebrates the news media’s Alaska projection after days of Republicans claiming that the news media cannot determine the outcome of elections” journalist Kyle Griffin wrote.

Others suggested that the Trump campaign would have almost certainly screamed “election fraud” had the outcome been different.

“Alaska was 45% vote by mail with ballots allowed to arrive up to November 18th,” @AlbertMacGloan said. “At last check the Trump campaign has not claimed any fraud or filed and lawsuits in Alaska.”


The tweets kept coming in all throughout the afternoon, as thousands called out Ivanka for her hypocritical remarks.

“She is saying this declaratively only because the AP just called the race for Trump and Sullivan,” @fred-guttenberg said. “The AP has called MI, WI, PA & AZ for Biden, and therefore called the presidency for Biden.”

The news of the president’s projected acquisition of Alaska’s three electoral votes comes as his campaign attempts to refute the results of the election. Trump’s own lawyers have admitted in court, however, that they have no actual evidence pointing to widespread voter fraud.

The Daily Dot