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The iPhone 6 Plus is great for boobie videos, not for watching porn

The iPhone 6 Plus just can’t catch a break. 


Greg Seals


The iPhone 6 Plus has had a pretty rough debut week. After launching last Friday, Apple’s 5.5 inch answer to the phablet incited what’s come to be known as bendgate on Tuesday when reports of unnatural curvatures began springing up on MacRumors forums. From there, things spiraled into chaos as videos began popping up showing people bending the phone with their bare hands. Trolls saw the chance to capitalize on the issue, telling users that bending was part of the 6 Plus’ new features.

Apple’s competitors were quick to kick the brand while it was down, with LG taking the chance to ridicule the phone’s lack of hardware durability and strength by tweeting out jokes. Even late night chimed in, with Conan releasing a video mocking the flaccid phone, promoting the ragingly hard Samsung Galaxy instead.

If there’s one person who can redeem the debacle the iPhone 6 Plus has been mired in since its release, it’s adult entertainer Jessi June. The Penthouse Pet tried generating some good will for the 6 Plus by using the phone’s slow motion camera to capture her shaking her…talents. Surely a video like this could straighten all those bent phones?

But like a tech-themed episode of the twilight zone, the porn consumers of Twitter have chimed in rather aggressively that the 5.5 inch screen is too large to inconspicuously watch porn in public.

iPhone 6 Plus screen too big to look at smut on my phone in public. FML this train ride sucks.

— Puzzlepunk (@puzzlepunk) September 25, 2014

iPhone 6 Plus problems… too big of a screen to discretely look at porn in public. #firstworldproblems #iPhone6Plus

— Matt Hays (@MattHaysAZ) September 19, 2014

If you have an iPhone 6 Plus, don’t watch porn in class

— Cody Bean Sr. (@BraxDoe) September 23, 2014


The larger iPhone 6 proves difficult to discreetly watch porn in public. You can’t discreetly enjoy porn.

— Danny A P McCarthy (@DannyAPMcCarthy) September 25, 2014

iPhone 6 Plus, will you ever win?

H/T Reddit | Photo via williamhook/Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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