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Eric Garner’s family hasn’t seen a cent of the crowdfunded $120,000

The legitimate Garner campaigns have raised about $3,000.


Patrick Howell O'Neill


Eric Garner’s family has received no money from at least 19 different crowdfunding campaigns set up in the wake of his death, DNAInfo reported today. 

The campaigns have raised a combined total of at least $120,000, with one particularly successful effort gaining $75,000.

Garner was killed by a New York police officer last year. Video of his death went viral and sparked outrage that, along with the police shooting death of  18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., among others, led to sustained protests across the United States.

“I feel like people are trying to use my father’s name for their own gain,” Erica Garner told DNAInfo. “It’s unfortunately a sad situation.”

The family, who said they have no idea where the money is going, are currently looking into their legal options.

Crowdfunding sites Indiegogo and GoFundMe reportedly didn’t verify the identities of fundraisers or their connection to the Garner family.

Fundly, another crowdfunding site, is holding $75,000 until it can verify that the money is going to the Garner family as advertised.

A new GoFundMe campaign is aiming to raise $1 million for Garner’s widow, Esaw Snipes. The fundraisers, the Charlotte Activist Collective, claim to have been in contact with the Garner family, but the family says they’ve never heard of the effort.

Erica Garner, without any Internet intermediaries, now has two campaigns of her own and is attempting to raise money to pay $150,000 in bills for her and her daughter and $100,000 to produce an album focused on police brutality.

The legitimate Garner campaigns have raised about $3,000 as of publication.

H/T ThinkProgress | Photo via Shawn Carrie

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