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Tweets from Ferguson indicate town is bracing for riots

It’s going to be a long night in Ferguson, Mo.


Kevin Collier


Clouds of discontent are gathering over Ferguson, Mo.

Though the grand jury decision on whether Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson should be charged for shooting unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown won’t be made public until Monday evening, eyewitnesses there say things do not look good.

People around Ferguson keep tweeting evidence that city authorities are bracing for a major riot.

The area has been a hotbed for protests and violence since Wilson, who is white and did not live in Ferguson, shot Brown, who is black. Wilson gave a testimony of self-defense that contradicted multiple witness accounts, and police’s violent crackdown on subsequent protests has drawn concern from local politicians to the United Nations.

The grand jury has reportedly reached a decision in the case, though it’s still waiting to announce it. As the Daily Dot previously reported, schools in the area have already closed as a precautionary measure. Meanwhile, witnesses say, police have set up barricades.

Brown’s family, who have consistently urged protesters to be peaceful, has already requested four and a half minutes of silence when it’s reached.

That’s a reference to how long Brown’s body was left on the street after his death.

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Some stores are already shut down in anticipation.

Governor Jay Nixon has arrived and seems like he doesn’t want to talk about the verdict.

Reporters in the area have already been told that they’ll hear from two people: Nixon, who will plead for people to remain calm, and prosecutor Robert McCullough.

McCullough has already warned that he won’t take questions.

The chief of the St. Louis County Police Department, which has been a constant presence in Ferguson protests, recently entered a meeting with McCullough.

Gov. Nixon wants a meeting with local clergy around the time of the announcement.

The Reverend Al Sharpton plans to hold a later press conference.

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Illustration by Jason Reed/Daily Dot

The Daily Dot