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Facebook usernames, passwords are being sold on the dark web for less than $4

The news follows a massive Facebook data breach.


David Gilmour


Facebook logins are being sold on dark web marketplaces for as little as $3.90 each, according to a new report by Money Guru.

Researchers investigated the availability and pricing of username and password information bought and sold by criminals across three prominent online black market websites: Dream Market, Wall St Market, and Berlusconi Market.

The news comes just days after a massive data breach at Facebook which exposed the personal information of around 50 million users.

Facebook is already facing a class-action lawsuit over the incident, which could cost the company a whopping $1.63 billion fine from the E.U. for violation of its new General Data Privacy Regulation.

The report by Money Guru, however, found that Facebook was not the only platform where users’ information was widely available for sale on dark web black markets.

Reddit logins were on sale for around $2.09, Instagram profiles for a more pricey $6.30, and Twitter accounts for $3.26. Email addresses were by far the cheapest items being sold by fraudsters, ranging in average price from $3.26 to $3, depending on whether the buyer wanted a Gmail or Hotmail address.

The investigation found that a person’s entire data profile could be acquired for as little as $970.

“Our research into personal data and how much it’s actually worth on the black market is shocking to say the least,” James MacDonald, Money Guru’s head of digital, told Metro. “This just goes to show how vital it is to protect your data where possible to avoid facing costly consequences.”

H/T Daily Mail

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