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Condoleezza Rice looking for new followers

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice joined Twitter today and already has a couple thousand followers—and an interesting reception.


Jordan Valinsky


Add Condoleezza Rice to your political power players list; The former United States Secretary of State joined Twitter today.

Rice started tweeting from @CondoleezzaRice today. Not surprisingly her first tweet featured her new book, “No Higher Honor,” out Nov. 1. (Authors often take to Twitter to promote books.)

It’s clear Rice is still getting the hang of social networking. One tweet, of three, said “I’m now on Twitter! Click on the link below to follow me.” The tweet was posted “via Facebook,” and linked back to her Twitter page. (Her social media intern needs to assist her on setting up her Facebook/Twitter integration.)

But Twitter faux pas didn’t hamper her much. Some 2,000 people have already begun following her. And she already has a Klout score of 28. Not bad for her first day.

Of course, with politics as a subject matter, the Republican Secretary, who served under George W. Bush, got mixed reactions.

“Please welcome war criminal @CondoleezzaRice to twitter!” one person tweeted in reference to the reference to the controversial war her former boss started.

Another Twitter user made fun of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s infatuation, with the  tweet, “Now that Condoleezza Rice is on Twitter, expect Gaddafi to start saving her TwitPics.”

But it wasn’t all snark, Douglas Torok tweeted “Welcome, fasten your seat belt, enjoy the ride and view! Looking forward to you chiming in!”

Photo by World Economic Forum

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