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Reality stars spar on Twitter over race and the RNC

Former American Idol contestant Clay Aiken posted a provocative tweet about a lack of diversity at the Republican convention, prompting a feud with country music star and The Apprentice candidate John Rich.


Mike Fenn


The 2012 Republican National Convention is barely underway, and already celebrities have lit Twitter aflame with very provocative tweets.

First, Samuel L. Jackson experienced a heavy backlash when he tweeted his lament over Hurricane Isaac failing to destroy the convention’s Tampa location. Now, American Idol runner-up Clay Aiken and Apprentice winner and country music star John Rich are exchanging fire.

“Playing drinking game with my brother now. We drink every time we see a black person on screen at the RNC convention.#soberasamormon,” Aiken tweeted Tuesday evening.

As the retweets (currently numbering more than 700) piled up, Rich shot back.

@clayaiken:@cowboytroy We drink every time we see a black person at the RNC//CLAY! You should be ashamed for racist comments like THAT!WOW,” Rich tweeted in response.

Rich went on to question the cause behind Aiken’s charity, prompting Aiken to question the stance of the Republican Party.

During the feud, followers of both men shared their opinions, support, and contempt.

“Love and respect @clayaiken He tells it like it is. Thank you for standing up for what is right,” tweeted @walla52.

@johnrich thanks for having integrity and equality. Even a bigger fan now,” tweeted Jessica Blankenship.

Celebrities posting heavily opinionated tweets during current events is nothing new; neither is the ensuing backlash, be it from other celebrities or the public. A March 2011 tweet that joked about tsunami victims in Japan cost comedian Gilbert Gottfried his job as Aflac’s spokes-duck.  Additionally, actor Orlando Jones infuriated followers in late 2011 when he expressed a desire to see liberal Americans kill Sarah Palin.

So far, nothing massive appears to have resulted from the Aiken/Rich spar, aside from a number of gossip articles and hundreds of new followers on both sides.

Photo via NewsHour/Flickr

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