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Privacy fiends, rejoice: Here comes the Blackphone 2 and Blackphone tablet

Say anything you want. No one’s listening.


Dylan Love


Last year at Mobile World Congress, the world was introduced the the Blackphone, a phone for encryption-loving, privacy nuts. And now Silent Circle is back with what is most likely the newest most secure smartphone ever available: the Blackphone 2, as well as a tablet, the Blackphone Plus. These gadgets are designed from the ground up to keep your communications as secure and off-the-radar as possible.

The Blackphone 2 is aimed at businesses operating in the enterprise that want (or need) to keep their communiques under wraps, leaning on a customized Android operating system called Private OS 1.1.  It makes use of a “Spaces” user interface, siloing the phone into encrypted sections for maximum security—the phone can act as multiple devices at once. Set up a personal “space” for sending and receiving your private emails. Set up an enterprise “space” to keep work data off the map. Gizmodo also describes a personal space that’s “pretty much a phone-wide version of Chrome’s Incognito Mode.”

The main appeal here are the device’s security features for the uber-paranoid. The phone’s hardware is fairly standard, with a 5-inch screen, a 64-bit processor, and 3GB of storage. It’s due to launch this summer and expected to retail for $629. Very little is known about the Blackphone tablet, but we can safely expect it to offer the features in a larger package.

The two-minute video below (with disembodied computer voiceover) goes over all these details and more.

H/T TelecomPaper | Screengrab via Phone News/YouTube

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