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This week’s best apps bring RAW photos to iOS, defeat evil tentacles, and will find you a workout buddy

This week we bring you fun and function with the best and brightest in smartphone apps.


John-Michael Bond


The Daily Dot’s app round-ups bring you five new, or newly updated, apps for both iOS and Android that are well worth your time and attention. 

Bvddy (iOS, Android)


Getting inspired to work out by yourself is hard. Having an accountability partner to work out with keeps you focused, gives you someone to talk to, and helps you track your progress. It’s just a matter of finding the right someone. Bvddy is an app that aims to help you find the right workout partner, a Tinder for exercise if you will. 

Find workout buddies that match your fitness level, locate local gyms and ball fields, and organize your own sporting events, all from the comfort of a simple iPhone app. Looking for someone to play tennis with? Bvddy is here to help. Why should the Pokemon Go players get all the exercise? 

Day of the Tentacle (iOS)


In the early 90s Lucasarts Games was known for two things; incredible Star Wars space battle games and point-and-click adventure titles. Of these adventure games one stands above all the rest, the gloriously insane sequel to Maniac Mansion known as Day of the Tentacle. Now, 23 years after its original release, the game has hit iOS in a remastered edition that will brings the title’s gorgeous art into the modern era.

Players guide three idiot teenagers through time and space as they attempt to stop an evil sentient tentacle from taking over the world. Along the way you’ll help the founding fathers, learn to dress as a tentacle in the future, and engage in zany science experiments. If you’ve ever enjoyed the Telltale Adventure games or just relish a good brain bending puzzle Day of the Tentacle is well worth your $4.99.

Fallout Shelter (iOS, Android)


If you’re looking for a different kind of adventure, it might be time to take a second look at Fallout Shelter. The vault building/nuclear apocalypse simulator has taken off a new life with its latest update, introducing quests and new enemies to the already staggering amount of content available. Take on fan favorites like Ghouls and Radscorpions along with boss battles or just explore the wasteland to discover new gear for your home.

Part 2D Minecraft, part Mad Max, and part Bugs Bunny cartoon, Fallout Shelter is the most whimsical post-apocalyptic nightmare you’ll ever take part in. The basic game is free and while there are microtransactions they’re not necessary to purchase to have a good time. Rebuild the world in your image. 

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom (iOS)


One of the issues with using an iOS device as your main computer is the lack of file support for professionals who simply need to get things done. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom has fixed one of those issues with the introduction of RAW support for the first time. Photography fiends can import previews of RAW files from their computer, or if they’d like the full RAW file on their iPad they can be imported via an SD card reader attachment. All the changes you make will be synced with your desktop so the next time you look at the image you’ll see it as you left it in iOS.

In addition the new update adds a Local Adjustments feature Exposure, Brightness, Clarity, and other adjustments to specific areas of a photo. Fixing last night’s photos on the fly has never been easier.

Moments (iOS)


Now that we’ve given you four reasons to never put your phone down this week let’s take a look at smartphone addiction. A study in 2015 revealed the average American spends 4.7 hours a day on their phone. That’s a staggering amount of time, and that’s just the average, meaning lots of users are even more obsessed. If you worry you’re spending too much of your life staring at your phone give Moments a spin.

Moments tracks exactly how much time you spend on your iOS device every day, including which apps are taking up all of your time. The app is free, but for families there’s a paid option that is sure to excite anyone who hate how much time the kids or their spouse are spending online. Moments Family allows you to track how much time your family is spending on their devices, and includes controls to impose limits when they’re using them too much.

The Daily Dot