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Anthony Scaramucci is lobbying to get John Kelly fired

Scaramucci wants the man who fired him out.


David Covucci


The person who ushered in a new era of chaos is now publicly calling for the ouster of the man brought in to bring back order to the White House. Anthony Scaramucci wants John Kelly out as chief of staff.

Scaramucci was infamously fired 10 days into his job by Kelly after Kelly took over as chief of staff. Originally, after the former chief of staff Reince Priebus was fired, it was speculated Scaramucci would be up for the job. Instead, it went to Kelly, a former general, who was tasked with bringing discipline to the White House and summarily fired Scaramucci.

But now Kelly is under fire for possibly lying about his knowledge of Rob Porter’s alleged domestic assault. Porter was the White House staff secretary until Daily Mail reported his two ex-wives said he abused them. Kelly told White House staffers that he had acted within 40 minutes of finding out about reports Porter’s abuse, but that is now being contradicted by both anonymous White House staffers and FBI Director Christopher Wray.

With that in mind, Scaramucci is publicly calling for Kelly to be fired for protecting an alleged domestic abuser.

When said that his tweets regarding Kelly looked “petty,” given his history, Scaramucci said there was nothing personal about his speaking out.

This is the second time in two days Scaramucci has called for Kelly to be removed from his position.

The Daily Dot