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Anonymous hackers to descend on Parliament in Guy Fawkes masks Nov. 5

More than 2,500 have already RSVPed to the event.


Fernando Alfonso III


One of the most powerful scenes in James McTeigue’s “V for Vendetta” features an army of protesters descending upon Parliament wearing black cloaks and Guy Fawkes masks.

Since the film was released in 2006, the scene has been turned into countless pieces of Internet art, GIFs and call to action posters.

Now that moment is coming to life on Nov. 5 as part of Operation Vendetta. At least, that’s the plan.

“The 5th of November is a reminder to the government that if they push too far, REVOLUTION is inevitable,” wrote the group on Facebook. “More than 400 years ago a great citizen [Guy Fawkes] wished to invent the 5th of November forever in our memory, his hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives.”

So far more than 2,500 people have RSVP’ed on Facebook as attending the 6 pm protest. The event listing encourages people to fly into London and says Anonymous will be chartering buses from around the country to bring protesters in.

As has become customary with almost every Anonymous hack or event, the hacktivists released a video about the protest.

If this year’s event is anything like last year’s, chances are that not much will happen. On Nov. 5 last year, Anonymous failed to fulfill its plans of taking down Facebook, FOX News, and big banks.

Photo via YouTube

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