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YouTubers give back

YouTubers will once again be making videos to raise money for their favorite charities.


Fruzsina Eördögh


While the winter holidays are known for their consumerism, family get-togethers, and yummy food, they are also a time to give back to those less fortunate.

YouTubers, who are arguably some of the most fortunate in the first world, have their own way of giving back; through the community initiative Project for Awesome.

Project for Awesome, a charity video project created in 2007 by Tom and Hank Green, known as the VlogBrothers on YouTube, is back again this year.

YouTubers are encouraged to make entertaining and fun videos of their choice charity in order to raise awareness and donations.

YouTubers place a link to their charity of choice in their video description, and the hope is the video will be so entertaining, the viewer will click and donate.) The videos are to be uploaded to the site on December 17.

The one-day video extravaganza is done in the wish that “all of YouTube and the Internet will be taken over by a flurry of awesomeness,” wrote the Greens in a guest post  on YouTube’s official blog.

Charity videos from last year can be viewed in this playlist here.

Photo by ojtamojtam

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