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Fan film reimagines upcoming X-Men movie as a mini-musical

If you see one X-Men: Days of Future Past fan film, see this one. 


Gavia Baker-Whitelaw


The next X-Men movie, Days of Future Past, looks like it’s going to be hideously complicated. A mashup between the X-Men trilogy of the early 2000s and the recent prequel movie set in the 1960s, it combines two ensemble casts and time-travels through at least two historical eras.

Luckily, X-Men fans are used to complicated storylines, and the upcoming movie is already inspiring some amazing fanworks. Recently, a group of fan filmmakers known as Seidule Films came together to create a kind of mini-musical focusing on the time-traveling X-Men antihero Bishop, who will be introduced in Days of Future Past.

Change the World follows Bishop as he tracks down Senator Kelly, with musical theatre-style interludes from Kitty Pryde. We were expecting a lot of cool new fanworks to come out of the new X-Men: Days of Future Past, but we couldn’t have predicted a hip-hop music video starring Gambit and Bishop cosplayers.

We’d never actually considered this before, but X-Men would be kind of perfect for a musical: a huge ensemble cast for crowd scenes, lots of flashy costumes, and enough histrionics for several awesome solo numbers. If only Seidule Films had the resources for something longer than four minutes!

Screencap via YouTube

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