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7 viral videos you can now freely license for commercials

VideoSpring just made these classic clips free for commercial use.


Rae Votta


Commercials can now be made from viral videos, legally, thanks to the new licensing site, VideoSpring. U.K. multichannel network Rightster started the site in an attempt to change the stock photo and footage industry with proven viral successes that can earn money for their creators. 

Tons of videos are searchable on the site, with more promised as viral videos break. We found seven of our favorites now open to commercials, and imagined what kinds of things they’d be best at selling to the general public. Let’s take a look.

1) “Cat In A Shark Costume Chases a Duck While Riding A Roomba”

Views: 8.7 million

Commercial: Ignoring the obvious Roomba branding opportunity, this video is destined for the beautiful marriage of an Aflack commercial during “Shark Week.”

2) “Portrait of Lottie 0-14 years in 4 mins”

Views: 29.8 million

Commercial: All this needs is a brand logo and it’s already a commercial about life insurance and protecting the ones you love through the years. 

3) “Charlie Bit My Finger—Again!”

Views: 829 million

Commercial: Bandages. Or health insurance. “For all those unexpected bites…”

4) “The Sneezing Baby Panda”

Views: 218 million

Commercial: Cold medication and tissues. Terrifying sneezes come even in adorable packages.

5) “Yosemite Mountain Double Rainbow”

Views: 42 million

Commercial: National parks tourism. You too can experience your own double rainbow.

6) “The Screaming Sheep”

Views: 11.9 million

Commercial: This works as a visual representation of identity theft protection. First of all, it’s not a goat. And that scream is what you feel like when someone steals your credit cards. Win-win.

7) “Fat Cat Squeezes Through Small Doggie Door”

Views: 1.9 million

Commercial: Weight loss supplement or a diet fad. Feel like a fat cat no longer.

H/T VideoInk | Screengrab via TexasGirly1979/YouTube

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