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Vibram FiveFingers inspires 85 remixes

Here’s a look at the winners of the Daily Dot’s third caption and remix contest on Canvas. 


Fernando Alfonso III


Canvas puts its own spin on the news. The image-sharing community shares and remixes photos, transforming each with personal touches and captions.

On a recent trip to the Portland Rose Garden, Reddit user Lucas Steuber insisted on wearing Vibram FiveFingers. He says the shoes make him feel spry. His wife Estelle, on the other hand, can’t stand them—especially when he does this:

“It’s not an amazingly high jump; the camera angle works in my favor,” Steuber wrote on Reddit, where he posted the photo five days ago. “However, my wife is several inches taller than me.”

The Daily Dot got permission to use the photo for our third Canvas Contest.

Once again, the results showed just how creative and inspiring the Canvas community can be, with more than 80 submissions and posts. We would like to thank everyone who participated. The winners will—appropriately enough—win some custom stickers from the Daily Dot. Take a look at our favorite works in the Storify below, and be on the look for our next contest in the near future.

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The Daily Dot