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Sweet treats from a different angle

Scandybars features pictures that will make your mouth water.


Lauren Rae Orsini


Just eating food isn’t enough anymore.

First there was Scanwiches, a Tumblr blog showing sandwich sectionals scanned with a high quality scanner. Hyped in 2009, the still-active blog sated a visual hunger for followers.

Now, Tumblr wants dessert.

Enter Scandybars. Like its savory predecessor, this blog specializes in quality 300 dpi scans of candybar slices, zeroing in on the textures that make them so chewy, chocolatey, creamy and/or rich.

Scanning the candy is just the finishing move for this blogger. The challenge is getting moist chocolate candies to slice precisely. A simple knife won’t cut it.

“I switched to just a regular old hobby knife, which works well with most candy bars,” the blogger wrote. “However if the insides are super soft and gooey I’ll use fishing line or a high e guitar string.”

Launched on June 23rd, Scandybars usually features a new new candybar every day for your visual fix. It’s finding fans in fellow food bloggers, including Scanwich blogger Jon Chonko.

“Offended? Heck no!” Chonko tweeted to a follower. “Food scanners unite!”

Chonko’s kindness comes in the wake of a veritable food scanning blog battle, where he was accused of being a copycat by’s Justin Biliki. Today, Biliki’s food scanning blog proudly bears the banner “Established 2007 years before the other scanned sandwich site.”

That’s a lot of years.

At press time, Scandybars could not be reached for comment but the Tumblr blog’s luscious-looking candy photos speak for themselves.

Here are some of the Daily Dot’s favorites:

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