upstream westworld season 2 episode 5

Westworld/HBO Bruno Moraes/The Daily Dot Remix by Jason Reed

Upstream podcast: Maeve finds her voice in Shogun World

Maeve’s a Jedi now. What does that make Dolores?


Audra Schroeder


In Westworld episode 5, “Akane No Mai,” Maeve is now a Jedi.

We’ve finally gotten to Shogun World, and found out how Lee Sizemore has been sourcing his storylines. We also find out Maeve can’t just control people with voice commands, but with her mind. Dolores is still consumed with revenge, and is now messing with Teddy’s code. The divide between the two women is tangible, but will they converge again?

Check out our past Westworld season 2 discussions here.

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