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The Morning GIF: MiRon’s stereoscopic monsters

GIF artist MiRon creates monsters every bit as menacing as the griffin and the dragon of medieval days. 


Lorraine Murphy


Here at the Daily Dot, we swap GIF images with each other every morning. Now we’re looping you in. In the Morning GIF, we feature a popular—or just plain cool—GIF we found on Reddit, Canvas, or elsewhere on the Internet.

Artist MiRon has been on Tumblr for just a couple of months, but he’s certainly made the most of it. His chunky black art against a stark white background (no sidebars, no reblogs, no distractions) uses the Tumblr platform to its fullest, showing off his work in a way others can’t.

Although unquestionably contemporary, his work is often heraldic in shape and references, featuring monsters every bit as menacing as the griffin and the dragon of medieval days. With  the stereoscopic effect he’s begun to add to some of his works, he turns the creatures into 3D nightmares reaching off the computer screen and uncomfortably far into your personal space.

This particular creature, which looks like an Oriental dragon crossed with a new member of GWAR, is one of the examples which best shows off the dimensional aspect of the stereoscopic GIF. It’s a form that seems to be gaining popularity among artists as a new and very simple technique for bringing their creations to life.

The Daily Dot