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The Morning GIF: Wednesday, December 21

Gustaf Mantel doesn’t just create GIF; he makes art. 


Fernando Alfonso III


Here at the Daily Dot, we have an unofficial tradition of sharing GIF images with each other every morning. Now we’re looping you into the circle. In the Morning GIF, we’ll feature a popular—or just plain cool—GIF we found on Reddit, Canvas, or elsewhere on the Internet. (A special thanks to Mr. GIF, the three-person animation factory, which created our new logo.)

A typical GIF animation consists of a few crude images strung together to create the effect of movement.

But once in awhile one GIF animator turns the 24-year-old image format on its head.

That animator is Gustaf Mantel, a mysterious GIF addict who runs the popular Tumblr blog If We Don’t, Remember Me. His GIF images from Stanley Kubrick films like “The Shining” and “Full Metal Jacket” are things of Internet lore, being reposted on sites like Reddit dozens of times. Mantel’s GIF’s are seamless, creating a clean endless loop so a viewer doesn’t know where the animation begins and ends. Not to mention, each GIF uses crystal clear images taken from some of the most beloved movies of all time.

They include GIF’s of Jon Heder making a hand gesture in “Napoleon Dynamite” (which has collected more than 37,000 reblogs, likes and comments),  Uma Thurman and John Travolta dancing in “Pulp Fiction” (26,000), and two people sitting on a boat in “Children of Men” (12,000)

The following GIF from “American Psycho” has collected more than 12,000 Tumblr notes in less than two months.

The Daily Dot