
The Morning GIF: No glove, no love

You have to hand it to them: Glovers know what it takes to make a great GIF.

Photo of Lorraine Murphy

Lorraine Murphy

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Here at the Daily Dot, we swap GIF images with each other every morning. Now we’re looping you in. In the Morning GIF, we feature a popular—or just plain cool—GIF we found on Reddit, Canvas, or elsewhere on the Internet.

A blogger at No Glove No Love on Tumblr, Sean is an evangelist for his artform: gloving.

But what is that? Gloving is rather like juggling, only less physical. Using specially made gloves with LED lights, the glover waves his hands in patterns, forming ribbons, dashes, and explosions of light, typically at raves.

With its own vocabulary (finger rolls, tutting, liquid, etc.) and a growing tournament culture, gloving is a perfect art form for those whose dexterity makes them masters of the game console.

Sean, who’s based in San Diego, uses his GIFs and YouTube on his Tumblr to demonstrate—and then explain—each move. With only a year-and-a-half of practice, he’s already pretty impressive. Particularly eye-catching is this series of finger rolls, which looks like some sort of marine life form fluttering across the surface of a mirror. It was featured on TheAbsoluteBestGifs and quickly went viral, with 20,930 notes to date.

Here’s what he has to say about it:

This is incredible you guys, simply incredible. I can’t really express how thrilled I am at how fast this picture and my blog blew up the other day!
To all of my followers, you guys rock, seriously. If I could thank you all individually, I would!

It’s always nice to give some love to the glove.

The Daily Dot