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Skiing meets parkour in Logan Imlach’s GIF highlights

Freestyle skier Logan Imlach is an adrenaline junkie who prefers to ride into walls.


Fernando Alfonso III


Here at the Daily Dot, we swap GIF images with each other every morning. Now we’re looping you in. In the Morning GIF, we feature a popular—or just plain cool—GIF we found on Reddit, Canvas, or elsewhere on the Internet.

Any regular skier will tell you, one of the most important things to do on the slopes is avoid the trees and any other sort of obstruction.

That’s unless you’re freestyle skier Logan Imlach, an adrenaline junkie who prefers to ride into walls.

“[In 2008] I went on to pursue the competition scene with the oh-so-common illusion of making the X-Games. This ended abruptly with the destruction of my right knee, leading to a full ACL replacement and lateral meniscus shaving,” Imlach wrote on his blog

“After that, riding park wasn’t nearly as appealing, so I found myself exploring the backcountry and scouring Anchorage for handrails. It was then that I found myself on my true path in skiing: filming on things not touched by a Snow CAT.”

Imlach made parking lots and back alleys his personal skiing playground while his friends filmed his jumps. The Anchorage, Alaska, native ultimately grabbed the attention of Level 1, a group of filmmakers, who awarded Imlach their Superunknown sponsorship in 2010. Imlach followed up that success with a role in Level 1’s 55-minute award-winning film, Sunny, in 2012.

In the movie Imlach skies through an abandoned Army barracks in Whittier, Alaska. The following GIF from the film was posted on Reddit Monday.

Screengrab via Vimeo

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