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Jon Lovitz’s Twitter campaign leads to expulsion for teen bullies

The former Saturday Night Live star went on the offensive after learning his friend’s property was vandalized by anti-Semitic teen girls. 


Kevin Morris


Former Saturday Night Live star Jon Lovitz took a break from tweeting about trips to Las Vegas and gushing over Van Halen to battle some anti-semitic bullies earlier this week.

Lovitz won.

It all began on April 4, when the comedian learned two swastikas and the word “jew” had been sloppily painted on his friend’s doorstep in Northridge, California.

“Some coward & idiot left this on a friend’s doorstep, yesterday. This is an insult to all of us,” Lovtiz wrote, posting the photograph to Twitter.

The reported offenders—three 14-year-old girls who were driven to the house by their mother, Lovitz shortly revealed—also added a pile of dog feces to their hate-speech graffiti.

Lovitz said his friends’ parents were Holocaust survivors.

“They did it to ‘bully’ his daughter,” he tweeted. “These are the 3 popular girls in school who did this… With the help of a mother.”

He followed that by posting a photograph of the girls, whose faces are slightly obscured by their extended middle fingers.

“[You’re] nice to me, I’m nice to you,” Lovitz wrote, apparently as a justification for posting the girls’ photograph. “You mess with me , I retaliate.. TIMES TEN! Jews are no longer victims. And the world doesn’t like it.”

Police were already on the case, telling the Jewish Journal that the girls also vandalized a nearby house with toilet paper. The girls will not be charged with a crime, authorities said, because the syrup used to make the graffiti and the toilet paper did not cause permanent damage. The mother who drove the girls could face criminal charges.

The girls didn’t get away unscathed from the whole affair, however.

“UPDATE!!!!” Lovitz tweeted on Monday. “The three girls who vandalized my friends home with swastikas and dog crap, have been expelled from their school permanently.”

Don’t mess with Jon Lovitz or his friends.

Photo via Wikipedia

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