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Oscar nominee Jean Dujardin’s sleeping on the competition

The new Tumblr, Jean Sleeping on People, mashes the snoozing star of The Artist with other celebrity figures.


Kris Holt


Jean Dujardin: actor, Oscar nominee, and habitual narcoleptic.

The French star of The Artist has been just about everywhere over the last few months. In addition to appearing in a fantastic Funny or Die sketch, he’s been charming the pants off everyone in Hollywood. This past weekend, he popped up on Saturday Night Live before hopping over the Atlantic to collect a Best Actor award at the British Academy Film Awards.

Now, it seems he’s developed a habit of falling asleep on people.

Since he was snapped pretending to sleep on George Clooney’s shoulder at an Academy Awards luncheon last week, a Tumblr has popped up to show Jean Sleeping on People.

The blog digitally replaces Clooney with other celebrities, before moving on to the stars of other memes and, weirdly, Dujardin himself.

The first post on the blog premiered on Feb. 8. There have been a few dozen posts since. The number of notes on each ranges from zero (sadly, for this terrific Neverending Story image) to 165, with most posts hovering around the 30-50 range.

Here are some of the Daily Dot’s favorite images of Dujardin sleeping on people.


Photos by Jean Sleeping On People

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