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Jason Bateman offers Reddit a free preview screening of his new movie

Because the Internet loves free stuff. 


Mike Fenn


Reddit AMAs (Ask Me Anything community Q & A sessions) have historically provided redditors with all sorts of things, from interesting tidbits about the interviewee’s life to shameless, blatant movie plugs. Now, one celebrity has managed to wonderfully blend both concepts in a deal exclusive to Reddit.

Actor Jason Bateman hosted a Reddit AMA on March 5, with thousands of comments and questions pouring into the thread. The star of such fare as Arrested Development and Juno joined the AMA to promote his upcoming movie Bad Words, which is slated for a March 14 release.

At the conclusion of his session, he revealed a special surprise to the community.

“We’re doing an exclusive free screening for you guys in NY and SF,” Bateman wrote.

The screening, which is scheduled for March 13, is only open to redditors in New York City and San Francisco. So far, close to 200 redditors have RSVP’d to the screenings.

A few other facts we learned about Bateman during his AMA session:

1) He hopes to one day work with Bill Murray.

2) His biggest fear is bees.

3) A punch he threw once ruptured a kid’s spleen.

4) He once managed to throw eggs into a house on Halloween.

5) He knows nothing about the future of Arrested Development.

Photo via Courtney/Flickr

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