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Jason Reed/The Daily Dot

People keep uploading ‘Hamilton’ clips to Pornhub

Along with Kumail Nanjiani's 'The Big Sick.'


Bryan Rolli


Posted on Dec 27, 2017   Updated on May 22, 2021, 6:47 am CDT

Didn’t get Hamilton tickets for Christmas? Don’t fret—the genre-bending historical musical’s first act is now available for free viewing online. There’s just one catch: You’ll have to watch it on Pornhub.

One benevolent site user named “Broadwayfucker” uploaded the 75-minute clip to the X-rated video site with the title “REVOLUTIONARY TWINKS HAVE HISTORICAL FUN.” Another user named “winkwinkk” shared a video of the same length under the name “revolutionary boys get dirty on american politics part 1.” It’s unclear whether they’re two separate videos or one is a rip of another, but they both seem to be shot from upper balcony seats, which means someone paid a pretty penny to let us bask in the glory of Lin-Manuel Miranda spitting bars about the Founding Fathers.

Twitter user @twoscooters first shared the discovery yesterday, and “revolutionary twinks” has since become a trending search on Pornhub. This newfound attention could be a bad thing, as the site could flag the video for removal as it generates traction.


In the unfortunate event that Hamilton does get removed from Pornhub, however, users can still find other mainstream, less sexually explicit content to watch with family if they feel so inclined. On Christmas Eve, actor/writer/comedian Kumail Nanjiani alerted fans via Twitter that his critically acclaimed romantic comedy The Big Sick was streaming on the adult video service in its entirety. It was tagged under “interracial” — obviously.


Just make sure to expand to full-screen before gathering your family ’round the computer to watch Hamilton — because the ads and previews framing the screen are decidedly less wholesome than Miranda’s revolutionary boys.

H/T Metro

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*First Published: Dec 27, 2017, 9:51 am CST