
The Morning GIF: The philosophy of Bruce Lee

The martial arts icon expounds on why running water never goes stale. 

Photo of Lorraine Murphy

Lorraine Murphy

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Here at the Daily Dot, we swap GIF images with each other every morning. Now we’re looping you in. In the Morning GIF, we feature a popular—or just plain cool—GIF we found on Reddit, Canvas, or elsewhere on the Internet.

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Hollywood icon, street fighter, and philosopher, Chinese-American great Bruce Lee’s famed flexibility and speed extended beyond the physical realm into the metaphysical.

Lee liked to tell people that he’d studied philosophy at the university level, when he was actually a drama geek instead. He must have learned his lessons well, because they almost always believed him. Of course, Plato and Socrates didn’t get philosophy degrees either, and it didn’t hold them back any.

This interview presents Lee philosophizing at his best, just inscrutable enough for television audiences. Water was a theme he returned to often.


Lee’s life was more like water flowing uphill: moving from the San Francisco of his birth to Hong Kong just months before it was invaded by Japan, getting thrown out of school for street fighting, picking one feud too many against the son of an organized crime figure, and (related) suddenly finding it expedient to move back to America. Once back and with degree in hand, he quickly realized the marketability of his exotic good looks, unquestionable martial arts skills, acting experience, and gift of the gab.

The rest is movie history.

This quote is from The Warrior Within: The Philosophy of Bruce Lee. Sir Patchy Beard on Tumblr has immortalized it for our enjoyment in two GIFs a way that beautifully demonstrate some of that fluidity that Lee was talking about.


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