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Our favorite tweets from FriendsFromHS

We totally couldn’t resist giving you some, like, awesome pearls of wisdom from our high-school BFF.


Jordan Valinsky


It’s been a few days since @FriendsFromHS “gave birth” to her twins. So let’s check in with her progress. She’s only been hungover once, she’s left her kids in the car for just two hours and still can’t find “Mindsweepa” on her computer.

Mother of Year, anyone?

Our favorite tweet—and we’ll blame it on the pain meds—is her observation of 11/11/11—a date that will only happen once in our lifetimes.

“OMG itz 11/11/11!!!!!!! dat only happenz lyke once a year !!!!!!!!!!,” she observed.

We collected our ten favorite tweets, in no particular order, since the beginning of her enlightenment period.

And here’s where you can read more about the writer behind our friend.

The Daily Dot