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The Facebook drama of seventh graders—in one act

The NavySealsofComedy have turned teenager’s Facebook comments into a highly dramatic and must-watch play on YouTube. 


Kevin Morris


Shakespearean drama has nothing on the candid conversations of seventh graders.

That’s something just about every middle schooler knows when they first try to plow through Julius Caesar in English class. But in case you’ve gotten old, and your memories of those harrowing times are long forgotten, don’t despair: “Dramatic Interpretations of Facebook” brings back all that middle-school drama in a one-act YouTube play.

The video takes (supposedly) real conversations from a group of four middle schoolers and reinterprets them with appropriate melodrama. It was first posted to Reddit last night by user the253monster. “This is my first original post,” he wrote.

On YouTube, the group apparently goes by the name NavySealsofComedy, but there’s no biographical info to speak of beyond this statement from two weeks ago: “The dawn of a new era is coming.”

This is the group’s first video. The viewer count is currently frozen at 301, a common YouTube bug that afflicts popular new videos.

Next time, we hope the NavySealsofComedy invest in some better mics and provide a copy of the original Facebook conversations. Knowing exactly what was said, and in what context, would probably make the dramatic interpretation all the funnier.

Still, those problems aside, the video is highly entertaining. We agree with redditor appoloman: “You should do more of these, a lot more.”

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