Every evening, the Daily Dot delivers a selection of links worth clicking from around the Web, along with the day’s must-see image or video. We call it Dotted Lines.
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- Apple’s YouTube app for iPhone will disappear after the next major iOS software update, but not to fear: YouTube’s official iPhone app is here.
- Mitt Romney’s donation page apparently lifted several chunks of text directly from the Obama campaign’s website. The Romney camp chalks the mistake up to “junior staff confusion.”
- Crest Toothpaste emerges out of nowhere as one of the funniest brand accounts on Twitter, participating in a bizarre conversation with a follower.
- The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals upholds a $222,000 judgment against Jammie Thomas-Rasset, the Minnesota woman sued by the RIAA for copyright infringement. Her case has been ongoing since 2007.
- Harassed bus monitor Karen Klein collects her $700,000 charity check from IndieGogo, thanks to fundraising efforts started on Reddit.
- Indie band The XX experimented with a new promotional strategy by giving their new album to just one Internet superfan. It went viral almost immediately.
Above: YouTubers Sam & Eric (collectively known as SoKrispyMedia) revisit their classic Chalk Warfare video, bringing imaginary chalk weapons to life through the magic of editing.