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13 ‘Halloween’ movies condensed into 2 short minutes

For when you want the Shatner mask treatment but don’t have time for the full Jamie Lee.


Aja Romano


It’s October, so that means endless reiterations of classic horror franchises—none more iconic, or more likely to be played in marathon form on a basic cable network near you, than the Halloween franchise.

But what do you do if you’re attending a costume party and need to be ready to whip out a casual bon mot about how incestuous and loving Jamie Lee’s farewell to the Mikester was in Halloween H20? Do you carve time out of your busy schedule to rewatch the entire lengthy series as a refresher? Or do you save that time for more meaningful pasttimes like watching Scary Movie 3?

Thanks to Cinefix, now you can do both. A new YouTube animation from the bite-sized experts who brought you the 8-bit Matrix has all the thrills of the original John Carpenter masterpiece without all the boring scenes of teens walking down sidewalks or Donald Pleasence looking harried and fretful. 

Even better, “The Entire Halloween Series in 2 Minutes” is just that—a condensed yet utterly accurate whirlwind through all 8 installments plus reboots of the franchise. The only thing missing is a tinny edition of the ya-da-da ya-da-da theme song delivered at helium pitch.

As the Daily Dot’s own Joey Keeton said after watching this masterpiece:

Please let there be a Friday the 13th version in the future. I need to see a boat somehow going to Manhattan from Crystal Lake in cartoon form; it’s on my bucket list.

Personally I’m holding out for an 8-bit Freddy Kreuger.

Screengrab via YouTube

The Daily Dot