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Buzzed: 3 gold medal Olympic moments on YouTube, Twitter, and Tumblr

Let this guide help kick off the first full week of the London Games.


Jordan Valinsky


Since we’re relying on NBC for Olympic coverage, thus missing everything, here are three things worth seeing again from the opening weekend of Olympic games.

On YouTube
Well, we found our new favorite person at this year’s summer Olympics—and she’s not even an athlete. An unidentified Olympic volunteer in charge of directing fans to the gaming facilities made her job less boring by spewing a very dry—and very funny—stream of consciousness speech.

The awesomely sarcastic four-minute rant that consisted of her mocking her really important job and feigning excitement for the games has racked up more than 270,000 views since its posting Friday. She needs to be located so I can give her a gold medal in Olympic-themed hating.

On Twitter
After renewing Whitney and employing Jenna Bush as a news correspondent, NBC has to enjoy being despised. And now we can add their Olympic coverage to our peacock voodoo doll, because it’s been terrible. Fans are pissed that NBC isn’t airing popular competitions live and instead showing viewers hours-old replay of said events during their primetime coverage.

A parody Twitter account dubbed @NBCDelayed popped up Sunday delivering old news and sports headlines, but it’s news to NBC. With 19 tweets, it has racked up nearly 15,000 followers.


On Tumblr
A glance through the #olympics tag on Tumblr shows lots of photos of proud grill wearer Ryan Lochte, a meme masterfully tying Queen Elizabeth II to The Hunger Games, and uh, whatever the hell this is.  Oh, and lots of GIFs from the opening ceremonies.

But we found the only GIF you need to see from Friday’s spectacular opening. Watch as this dude notices he isn’t in the camera’s frame so he ducks down to be behind the Queen. If there was a British version of leaning back, here it is.


Photo via Tumblr


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