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Army vs. Navy—a social-media smackdown

The Brigade of Midshipmen have helped build anticipation for the annual Army-Navy football game with spirit spots on YouTube. 


Fruzsina Eördögh


Navy and Army are about to go head to head in their annual football match on live television.

Leading up to tomorrow’s game on CBS, both the Army and the Navy relied on social media to drum up support for their team, even eliciting votes from Facebook fans on what the losing team’s punishment should be. (The Navy has won nine years in a row.)

Spirit spot videos, made to promote team spirit and provoke the other team, have steadily been uploaded onto YouTube over the past couple of months. One of the Spirit Spot videos even trended yesterday, according to the YouTube trends blog.

“Each year, the Naval Academy solicits Army-Navy game spirit spots from the Brigade of Midshipmen,” wrote a Naval Academy spokesperson in an e-mail to the Daily Dot. “We encourage and challenge the midshipmen to exercise their ingenuity and creativity to produce broadcast quality videos that can be shown in the stadium during the Army-Navy game. …

“Weeks before the game, the videos are reviewed by USNA leadership  for their creativity, content and broadcast quality. Only the best videos are selected to be shown in the stadium during the game, all with the resounding theme of “Go Navy, Beat Army!”

Videos featured on the Army-Navy football website, which have the best chance of being played during the game, can be viewed here.

The following videos are some of the Daily Dot’s favorite spirit spots.

Simply titled “Party Rock the Army,” this LMFAO parody is one of the more popular spirit spot videos. (It’s pro-Navy.)

A slightly more popular Pro-Navy spirit spot is this one created by Lions Den Productions. (Part of its popularity could be its blatant mockery of the Army.)

Hey Navy. The Army thinks you’re going to need a bigger boat.

Don’t worry. No goats were harmed in the making of this Pro-Army spirit spot. (The Navy’s mascot is a goat.) As for the Navy dude? His fate is still unknown.

West Point Academy students also weighed in, when they were not reading their “Handsome” magazines. (They call the Navy “ugly.”)

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The Daily Dot