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Ariana Grande’s mom shares heartfelt message on Memorial Day

This marks her first public statement since the Manchester bombing.


Tess Cagle


One week after the bombing in Manchester that killed 22 people and left more than 60 injured at an Ariana Grande concert, the artist’s mother, Joan Grande, released a statement on Memorial Day to share her “deep sorrow” and her gratitude for service members responsible for protecting freedom.  

“My heart goes out to all the victims: those who lost their lives, those injured, those recovering, and all survivors of that night, along with the families and friends whose grief knows no bounds,” she wrote. “I stand with you all in the face of evil and we stand together to never let it rule our lives.”

Joan tied her statement in with Memorial Day and thanked those who have served.

“Thank you to all those who helped in any way that night in Manchester,” she said. “ I continually thank those who are and were in service protecting our freedoms every day all over the world.”

Fans on Twitter responded warmly to Joan’s tweet, thanking her for her support and expressing their love for her and her daughter.

Joan also played a role in saving fans lives at the Manchester attack, according to reports from fans. She reportedly ushered fans in the front rows of the venue backstage, helping to save at least 10 lives.

The Daily Dot