Dads dancing to 'My Blood' by 21 Pilots


21 Pilots singer asks for videos of dads dancing to ‘My Blood’—and Twitter delivers

The dads of the internet did not disappoint.


Nahila Bonfiglio


Videos of dads dancing to 21 Pilots‘ “My Blood” are taking over Twitter at the request of lead singer Tyler Joseph, and it is a beautiful example of how the internet should be used.

It started Monday evening with a video, posted by user @happyseason, of her dad —who looks shockingly like David Wallace, for all you fans of The Office out there—shaking it to the fourth single from 21 Pilots’ most recent studio album, Trench.

The shout-out from Joseph quickly propelled the video to Twitter stardom, and @happyseason posted a follow-up video of her very embarrassed, but also very flattered, father responding to all the attention. Joseph’s request for more videos was quickly fulfilled by the eager and willing Twitter masses.

Dads, as a group, are known for their slick dance moves, and these men don’t disappoint. One dad shows real enthusiasm as he shakes what looks to be a chicken nugget in his hand, while another’s eager—and very chilly-looking—jig is truly entrancing.

Some of the dads didn’t dance at all but were still featured by Joseph for sheer willingness to be involved.

One classy, khaki-clad dad’s video really vibed with Joseph. He retweeted it with the addition of “sick vibe. pants are on point. his decision making on when to snap his fingers and when not to is intoxicating and mesmerizing.”

He even retweeted a photo of a dad sleeping during a performance of “Guns for Hands” with headphones in. That’s dedication.

Joseph finished the evening off at around 7 pm CT, tweeting the last of his dancin’ dads and a quick “ok im out. i should get on here more. first show of the bandito tour tomorrow in nashville. i like you guys.”

The gag proved a good plug for the band’s imminent tour.

The Daily Dot